- B2B Customer Insights - The AIM Institute

Description: Find the world's most forward-thinking ideas on B2B organic growth here. Explore white papers, research reports, blog and Awkward Realities newsletter.

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It’s true: Before you can change the world, you have to change your way of thinking. And that’s always been a problem for those slow to challenge themselves:

We call these awkward realities: Something that seems to make sense now, but later makes no sense at all. Here’s one that will make future innovators cringe: Accepting a high level of commercial risk, when knowledgeable, interested, objective B2B customers can tell you exactly what they want. Why test market needs by launching products at your customers to see if they buy them… when you can easily understand their needs in the front-end of innovation?

Out-think competitors and ‘move minds’ in your company! Subscribe to The AIM Institute’s newsletters to keep abreast of the most advanced thinking in B2B innovation today.