- Christian Apologetics | Anchor New England

Description: At Anchor New England, our mission is to create premium Christian worldview content and curriculum for the purpose of equipping, encouraging, and strengthening believers all over the world, in order that the gospel would be proclaimed, and the kingdom of God advanced.

apologetics (277) evidence for christianity (5) aiia institute (1) christianity ideology (1) christian dialog (1)

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Searching for answers to questions about the most important issues in life? AIIA invites you to examine our website, browse 31+ years of Proclamation commentary in our thoughtletter archive, and examine lots of contemporary evidence for historic Christian truth in this third millennium. We specialize in Christian apologetics for New England and beyond, providing a strategic response at a time when folks are often more divided by ideology than geography. Read what’s here. Consider it carefully. Tell us what

An occasional blog to keep you up-to-date with AIIA, Christian apologetics, and the Witmer Family

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