ahat.org.uk - Latest news | Asian Hornet Action Team

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We are asking everyone to be vigilant in looking out for this alien species, the Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina . This hornet could decimate our pollinators including our honey bees, it is important to have everyone actively looking for it.

© Charles J Sharp Wiki Commons ( CC BY-SA 4.0 )

The Asian hornet ( Vespa velutina nigrithorax ) is a species of hornet which is not native to the UK. It is smaller than our native European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) and single hornets pose no greater risk to human health than other hornets or bees. However, they do pose a risk to honey bees and pollinating insects. It is a highly effective predator of insects which can cause significant losses to bee colonies, other native species and potentially ecosystems.

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