- My Godly Inheritance and Heritage - Index to this whole Site

Description: What I value most is the godly inheritance and heritage I have gained from my ancestors. I treasure the stories of the people, but I've learned that to research these things we need to know our way around genealogy databases, and charts.

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What I value most is the godly inheritance and heritage I have gained from my ancestors. I treasure the stories of the people, but I've learned that to research these things we need to know our way around genealogy databases, charts, and computer GEDCOMS. During my caregiver years for my parents, and for some nine months caring for Gr'ma Kroeker too, I learned to check dates carefully, key everything into my Brother's Keeper program, and to read the charts it would spit out.

I first set up this website in June of 2006, looking for others who would be interested in my finding and reports. Then, when Dad, my remaining parent died, I had to see to it that I had ways and means of supporting myself. Life just got super-busy for me. This site was neglected. But now I'm refreshing everything, and will automate some things. I need to apply things that I have learned in my work the last six years to improve your experience here.

So which family trees am I connected to , you want to know? Where might we have bloodlines in common? Well, here's links to my largest and main family lines. Look them over and see whether our lines intersect at any point.

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