- A Girl's Guide to Dungeon Mastering – Tips, tricks, and lessons learned from a new DM.

Description: Tips, tricks, and lessons learned from a new DM.

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Tips, tricks, and lessons learned from a new DM.

The morning of the tour departure came and went in a flurry of packing, scrambling to get to breakfast (10 minutes before we were scheduled to be on the bus), scarfing down eggs and toast and scalding hot coffee, and meeting the group that would be accompanying us around Great Britain and Ireland. We quickly … Continue reading Day Two – Stonehenge and Bath

The newlyweds take flight! Arrival in London Mr. and Mrs. Rines of Atlanta, Georgia were proud to say that they were decidedly not normal, thank you very much. Rather than embarking on a serene Caribbean cruise, relaxing at an all-inclusive beach resort, or holing up in a cozy mountain cabin for their honeymoon, they chose … Continue reading Day One – Travel from Atlanta to London, and then to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter