- Albinism in Africa - Stichting Albinisme in Afrika

Description: Albinism Foundation in Africa Helps people with albinism to protect themselves from the sun Sun protection for people with albinism in Africa The Stichting Albinisme in Afrika (SAA) puts people with albinism in Africa back in society by helping them to protect themselves against the sun. We are a pragmatic foundation with an eye for

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We are a pragmatic foundation with an eye for a marginalized minority in many African countries; we provide suncream with sunblock for people with albinism. These suncream are usually donated to us, we arrange the transport ourselves and we have contacts in Africa to ensure that the suncream gets to the right people.

© Gerrit Doelman

Albinism is a genetic disorder in which not enough of the pigment melanin is made. The light skin of people with albinism and the constant presence of UV radiation in Africa have a major impact on the skin. Albinism has several variants, namely four different types of oculocutaneous albinism and ocular albinism. Oculocutaneous albinism affects the eyes (ocular) and the skin (cutaneous). This type of albinism is the most common. Ocular albinism relates to the eyes and often involves motoric eye twitches that