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Today, bathrooms have become an important part of the home. A well-planned and designed bathroom can add a touch of luxury and style to your home. When designing a custom home , you want to make sure that the bathroom is functional, stylish, and comfortable for its users. Here are a few tips for designing a custom bathroom for your home. 

1. Consider Your Space – Think about the size and shape of the bathroom you have to work with. This will help you determine the type of fixtures and finishes you can use. For example, if you have a small bathroom, you may want to opt for a pedestal sink and save space. 

2. Choose Functional Fixtures – Make sure that the fixtures you choose are not only stylish but also functional. Think about how you will use the bathroom and what type of fixtures would fit your lifestyle. For example, if you have a shower, you may want to invest in a low flow showerhead to save on water.