- 陇县荒外索具(合伙)公司

Description: 陇县荒外索具(合伙)公司adjoastetteh.com经营范围含:鱼苗、铁合金制品、坯布、钢铁、污水处理设施、堆垛搬运机械、照相器材、农化、纸类包装、显示设备(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。

feminism (482) 索具 (162) sex education (88) reproductive health (70) gender justice (10) 陇县荒外索具(合伙)公司 (1) (1)

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I have specialities in bringing a social justice lens to comprehensive sexuality education (programming and policy) and provision of reproductive health care, justice-based approaches to the intersections of population, reproductive health, and the environment, cross-movement collaborations (e.g., environmental justice and reproductive justice), and gender justice. I have developed workshops, taught classes, organized events, and spoken at conferences on issues ranging from sex positivity and demystificatio

After Chicago and New York, the internet is my third home. I encourage you to check me out at my various online haunts (below). I am always looking for more opportunities to consult, collaborate, and conspire, so please feel free to reach out about potential activism or education projects/opportunities!

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