- Adheesh A. Sabnis, MD

Example domain paragraphs

Philosophy: First, what is a doctor? A "doctor" is a teacher. Instead of having traditional students, I believe and practice medicine as though patients are students. I strive to educate patients regarding their surgical conditions in a way that simplifies complex concepts. In this manner, patients can truly make informed decisions and actively participate in directing their care. Second, I believe that we would have a better healthcare system if all providers treated patients as if they were THEIR mother,

I like to think I have the soul/heart of an engineer. I constantly try to improve my daily workflow by embracing technology and using it in ways to maximize efficiency. I try to motivate my colleagues to do the same. Thus, they often turn to me for assistance with their IT concerns.

In my experiences on various hospital committees I have tried to be an effective team member/leader. I have helped find solutions to various problems by looking for cost effective and easily implemented solutions. A few of these solutions included methods to improve medical record delinquency rates, decrease costs of disposable items used in the operating room, and designing forms to improve workflow.