- Cognitive Science of Reading Lab

Example domain paragraphs

Pickering, J., Adelman, J. S., & Inglis, M. (2023). Are Approximate Number System Representations Numerical? Journal of Numerical Cognition, 9 (1), 129–144. [ PDF ]

Adelman, J. S., & Trifonova, I. V. (2022). Orthographic priming from unrelated primes: Heterogeneous feedforward inhibition predicted by associative learning. Journal of Memory and Language, 127 , 104372. [ PDF ]

Trifonova, I. V., & Adelman, J. S. (2022). Repeated letters increase the ambiguity of strings: Evidence from identifcation, priming and same-different tasks. Cognitive Psychology, 132 , 101445. [ PDF ]