- ADAMS | A complete, comprehensive Safety Oversight Tool for Civil Aviation

Description: ADAMS combines all the essential CAA safety oversight tools into one platform inspector training records and qualifications, certification and surveillance work tracking, foreign aircraft ramnp inspections, personnel licencing and medical certificate approval tools.

Example domain paragraphs

Designed to present up to date safety oversight information and reports to the end user at an implementing office. Designed to cater for Critical Elements 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 sections of the PQs requirements during international safety oversight audits (USOAPS/ICVM)

ADAMS incorporates analytical graphs and tools for recorded office and regional safety oversight data: Work Activities, Training Data, Foreign Aircraft Suriveillance Information, PEL, Aircraft, Accident Data and Risk Analysis

With the ADAMS account, each inspector is provided access to the platform based on their responsibilities. The ADAMS account ensures that inspectors have access to certain sections of the system and to certain specialties as approved by management.