- Vohra Method Tutoring

Example domain paragraphs

Our group classes and tutoring are non-refundable. Our 300+ point score improvement or 1500+ SAT guarantee means that if you complete checklist, then take the test, and then don't reach the target score, you can do additional group class training for free. Our guarantee is not a money-back guarantee; it is an additional training for free guarantee.

If there is an issue with the quality of a tutoring session or group class, please let us know right away. We review those on a case by case basis, and may refund those if we determine that there was a defect in the tutoring or group class. We must be notified within 24 hours of the tutoring session or group class.

Information about Vohra Method clients and users, including users of Vohra Method Apps and Bots, is never shared with any third party.