- Arctic Circle Raceway - ACR Arena

Description: An arena, and the northernmost raceway in the world. Illuminated by midnight sun in the summer and the northern light at the cold winter nights. ACR is a highly coveted and exotic destination for motorsport enthusiasts from all over the world.

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In No rthern Norway, just below the Arctic Circle, is possibly Northern Europe's best racetrack. Surrounded by mountains and forests the Arctic Circle Raceway is a highly coveted and exotic destination for motorsport enthusiasts from all over the world. Passionate souls through many years of planning managed to realize the track that many saw as impossible. For the climate is h arsh,the summer season is short, and the distances are long. But still, after ten years of planning and building, the track was ope

Now we are expanding the brand and the name to match the future of ACR. We continue to build on the well-known brand and the mythical position that ACR possess. The racetrack and motorsport will naturally be at the core of ACR, but ACR is developing into an arena for a wide variety of activities. Its latitude location opens some unique possibilities, as the midnight sun in the summer makes races possible at night, and the heavy snowfall in winter is perfect for a variety of winter sports. Additionally, the