- 9th - ACIRS 2024 | Intelligent Robot Systems

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Intelligent robot systems have been rapidly developed and widely applied in recent years. The research in this area covers various fields, including artificial intelligence, control theory, computer vision, and mechanical engineering. The intelligent robot systems have been applied in many industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and entertainment. The research focuses on developing robots that are capable of performing complex tasks with a high degree of autonomy and adaptability. Thi

2024 the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2024) will be held in Dalian, China between July 18-20, 2024, with its workshop ICEET 2024 . It is a great opportunity to get together and share ideas and knowledge among the Industry experts, researchers and academics. Several current and upcoming frontier technologies, innovative solutions, research results, as well as enterprises related to Intelligent Robot Systems and their applications will be presented.

2024年第九届亚太智能机器人系统国际会议 (ACIRS 2024) 将于2024年7月18-20日在中国·大连举办,由大连理工大学主办,高性能精密制造全国重点实验室承办。该会议旨在为智能机器人系统等领域的专家学者建立一个广泛有效的学术交流平台,以便让参会人员及时了解行业发展动态、掌握最新技术,快速、准确地解决当前面临的难题。大会将安排主旨报告,特邀报告,以及数个专题讨论会(形式包括口头报告,海报报告,视频报告等)。在此,我们诚挚邀请您的参加,希望能与您在大连相会!

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