- Alex Chernyakhovsky (achernya) - Index

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I'm Alex Chernyakhovsky , a software engineer at Google . I recently graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , where I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , more commonly called Course 6.

I enjoy tinkering with distributed systems, from massively parallel, distributed simulations to high-availability web services and everything in between. I look at systems with both reliability and security in mind; I helped break MIT's Kerberos 5 deployment in 2012 and designed the initial patches that allowed OpenAFS to use cryptography stronger than DES ( CVE-2013-4134 ) while requiring no client-side changes.

Having used Linux since 1998, I'm a firm believer in open source. I am currently a Debian Developer , Fedora Packager , and have contributed patches to various open source projects, most recently to iPXE , improving SSL support.