abroadfest.com - aBroadfest Barcelona

Description: Join ABROADFEST weekend in Barcelona from February 29 to March 2, 2024, for a unique experience filled with culture, music, and unforgettable moments with your best friends!

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Abroadfest 2023, the first Festival of the year comes back stronger than ever. A weekend for music lovers during Spring Season. Come to experience Abroadfest 10th Anniversary.

LINE UP UPCOMING PERFORMERS FESTIVAL TICKETS Find the Best One 3-Day T1 FOR 3 DAYS $ 79 3 Day festival entrance Access to the VIP Area GET YOUR TICKET 2-DAY FOR 2 DAYS $ 50 2 Day festival entrance Access to the VIP Area GET YOUR TICKET 1-Day FOR 1 DAY $ 27 1 Day festival entrance Access to the VIP Area GET YOUR TICKET US

Links to abroadfest.com (3)