abolishthebankers.com - Citizens Against Terrorism

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MERS is a conduit of fraud perpetuated by Foreclosure Mills, Bankers and attorneys who Whistle Blowers have come forth and given verified first hand knowlegde of crimes being committed to steal home titles. Listen to this first video done by Broker Renee Wyler. Renee is an expert MERS fraud investigator. This evidence was given to Judge Sledgehammer Carter and numerous Governmental Agencies.  The day the court received her Audit the case of Powers v BONYM et al was dismissed by Judge Sledgehammer Carter. Th

Judge David O. Carter, aka The Sledgehammer,  dismissed Powers case on procedural issues and destroyed evidence sent in by interested parties and destroyed Renee Wylers Audit

if we were to stop sharing "new" videos believing they are uncovering "new" crimes and just listen to those who already uncovered it all we can get on with our lives and support those who can do something! Kay exposed the military intelligence and public servant crimes using evil to control and manipulate the people. Mike has the complete $ trail of the Cartel connection. I posted MIke Michael Gill video, that one and the one below are all you need. How about taking a week to share nothing but these two???

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