abhsarma.github.io - Abhraneel Sarma // abhsarma.github.io

Description: Abhraneel Sarma, Personal Website

abhraneel sarma (1) abhraneel sarma northwestern (1) abhraneel sarma research (1)

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I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Northwestern University, advised by Professor Jessica Hullman and Professor Matthew Kay .

Broadly—I am interested in studying how people make sense of uncertainty information which arise in a typical data analysis pipeline. Specifically—I have developed tools which help analysts to surface the uncertainty in their data analysis process itself ( the multiverse R library ), or studying how users interpret uncertainty visualisations in missing data contexts or multiple comparison scenarios.

multiverse: Multiplexing Alternative Data Analyses in R Notebooks Abhraneel Sarma , Alex Kale, Michael Moon, Nathan Taback, Fanny Chevalier, Jessica Hullman and Matthew Kay CHI 2023 &#x25CF BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION &#x25CF PDF &#x25CF OSF