abhijeetsingh.com - Abhijeet Singh | Gun rights in India, Internet Business, shooting sports

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Hi, I’m Abhijeet Singh and this is my way of connecting with people who share my interests in Start ups, Technology, Open Source Software, Angling, Gun Rights, Libertarianism and Shooting sports.

The “ Arms & the Man ” section is completely devoted to gun rights in India, Indian firearm legislation & little bit about the sport of skeet shooting. I’d added my “ Blog ” to this website back in 2004, but frankly have not blogged here much as I end up posting much more often at the IndiansForGuns forum.

After many years of running this site as a hybrid of static HTML pages (most of them) and a small CMS (Pivot) with flat files as a back-end (for the blog section), I’ve finally moved 100% to a CMS. The CMS of choice for this revamp:- WordPress, it’s open source (GPL), has a vibrant developer community and is fairly easy to set up. For details on the migration from Pivot to WordPress read the blog post here .