abdullayev.dev - Shakir Abdullayev

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My name is Shakir Abdullayev, and I'm a third-year computer science student at the University of Toronto. I am passionate about different areas of computer science, such as Software Engineering, Cyber-Security, and Machine Learning to name a few. I am still in the exploration phase of my journey when it comes to Computer Science, alas, I am not confining myself to any specific field. I am planning on spending my time as an undergrad figuring out which areas of CS I am most interested in. Throughout the last

This was a project I designed for UTM's PyJaC competition using UiPath Studio. I automated the process that bothered me quite a bit: checking all Canadian banks for USD-CAD exchange rates to get the best rate as an international student that has to work with USD. Using UiPath Studio, UiPath web-scraping package, and the UiPath Forms I scraped data from major canadian banks, used the ValetAPI of the Central Bank of Canada, got the best rates for both buying and selling USD. After making the adequate comparis

During the time I had on my winter break, I decided to explore an area I have never explored: Web Development. Every cool computer science person I knew had their own personal website, except for me. It seemed to be a pretty low stake project and enabled me to express myself to an extent. So I decided that I should make one of my own. To create the website I used React and Next.js . I chose Next.js, because it offloads most of the work to the server and gives clients a pre-rendered page, which enables for f