
Example domain paragraphs

Dear all, As you can see, the ABBA website has disappeared from your screen , now replaced by this simple farewell page. ABBA is closed for an indefinite period. The story started in 2004 then ended in 2017. ABBA internet has achieved an exceptional thing , never done before : up to 463 videos were available for download ! (no YouTube videos), mostly culled from my personal archives + with the help from contributors around the world and including never seen before footage and TV performa

VERY IMPORTANT WARNING : YouTube has fakes "ABBA " channels. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANNELS : ABBAINTERNET2 or ABBAINTERNET OFFICAL (note here the absence of the letter i). I am not the owner of those nor other channels trying to capitalise on the ABBA name. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR POSTS BY THOSE AVATARS. I am not reesponsible for the comments or answers given by a weirdo usurper to people who think they are discussing with me. Sometimes, the weirdo uses my

The only ABBA channel is : HERE (mostly made of audio : the real vaults are not available there) IF IN DOUBT, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I THANK VERY WARMLY THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR PRECIOUS SUPPORT OVER THE YEARS : Anni-Frid Lyngstad "Frida", Princess Reuss of Plauen (Switzerland) Below, her first message :