aavenge.org - AAVENGE

Description: AAVENGE stands for Animal Abuse and Violence Ends Now Through Greater Enforcement. Committed to the education, prevention, and prosecution of dog fighting.

education (19846) prevention (1070) dog fighting (5) aavenge (1)

Example domain paragraphs

In a country that prides itself on its morality, humanity and caring for other human beings, it’s a sad commentary and an embarrassment that we continue to tolerate (unofficially, and often with the turn of a head and a wink of an eye) one of the most heinous acts of animal cruelty. Organized dog fighting still exists throughout the United States and crosses all socio-economic lines.  In reality, dog fighting could be taking place in your local community. Unfortunately, stamping out dog fighting is difficul

AAVENGE founder Cindy VanLandegen meets Chief the AAVENGE mascot. His story of being used as a bait dog as a puppy and left in a field to die inspired her to start AAVENGE, which seeks to educate the public about dog fighting and animal abuse.

AAVENGE is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization.