aastrawomenscenter.com - Aastra Women's Center & Abortion Clinic Fort Lauderdale

Description: Aastra Women's Center is helping women of all backgrounds to have access to a safe abortion clinic and a wide range of women-oriented services.

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Our goal is simple. It’s what’s right for you and only you. Each woman is treated based on her individual medical history in an atmosphere of safety, dignity and respect. We understand that this may be one of the most difficult decisions that you have to make and we don’t take that lightly. Please know that you are not alone. We have helped many women through this journey and will guide you each step of the way.

There is no need to be unsure or uninformed about your options in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. If this website does not answer all of your questions, we encourage you to call us. Our staff members are known for their professional attitude, knowledge of their job and sensitivity to the uniqueness of each woman’s situation.

Click here for local Broward Patient Comments and read what our patients say about the care they received at Aastra Women’s Center — Fort Lauderdale abortion clinic.