aaronslepkov.com - Dr. Aaron Slepkov: Biomaterials at Trent University

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The Slepkov Biophotonics Lab group is in the business of conducting original curiosity-based and applied research. The key motivator for most of the research is “curiosity”. Subject area, outcomes, motivation, and respectability are only of secondary concern in choosing a project. Thus, we are conducting research on widespread and disparate topics, which can be grouped into three main categories: Nonlinear Optical Microscopy, Physics Education Research, and Mad Science.

The ability to visualize unique structures and dynamic processes on the micron scale has excited scientists for centuries. When asked to describe the most useful developments in microscopy this century, many would focus on improved resolution—the ability to see smaller and smaller objects. However, it could be argued that the ability to distinguish between objects/regions is equally important to being able to characterize samples of interest. This ability to distinguish, to identify, primarily concerns cont

In terms of NLO microscopy we are primarily interested in label-free stimulated vibrational mode imaging of key structures/molecules, where we continue to develop broadband laser pulse based approaches for implementing coherent Raman scattering techniques such as CARS and SRS. Our primary research interests lie in exploring the utility of such techniques for the advanced materials characterization beyond biomedicine. In particular, we have recently published applications of multimodal CARS microscopy in dis

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