aago.com - AAGO.com

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We have some exciting news! The AAGO merged with the NAAFO (North American Association of Facial Orthotropics®). The NAAFO shares the same airway and health focused philosophy as the AAGO and will be a great partner and supporter. They will serve as the Orthotropics® division of the AAGO. To learn more, go to www.orthotropics-na.org .

CANCELLATION POLICIES Sessions Fee/Cancellation Policy: Cancellations prior to four weeks before the first day of the course are entitled to a 100% refund. Cancellations from two to four weeks be... keep reading

The AAGO is grateful to have merged with the NAAFO (North American Association of Facial Orthotropics®). Both organizations share the same airway and health-focused philosophy and the NAAFO will function as the Orthotropic® division of the AAGO.  The  NAAFO website will continue to be maintained, and the AAGO Orthotropics® Committee will continue to contribute to the leadership, Orthotropics® continuing education and promotion, and mentorship for AAGO members.

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