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Description: Association of Australian Education Representatives in India

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La Trobe university has been associated with Association of Australian Representatives in India (AAERI) since its Inception. AAERI plays a significant role to maintain and improve standards, not just practical standards, but those of ethics and behaviour of agent network in India and other countries where they have their presence. AAERI plays bridging role between Australian Education providers, policy makers and Agents. I am delighted to be personally involved with AAERI in the AAERI Education Provider Com

The role played by AAERI is much bigger and richer partnership between our two nations on the education and training landscape. So can I congratulate AAERI on your work on your commitment to ensuring standards are upheld.

The University of South Australia (UniSA) has engaged with Association of Australian Representatives in India (AAERI) since it’s Inception in 1996. This relationship has developed strongly over the years with AAERI leading the regulations of the education agent network in India and representing the Australian education sector’s interest in the region. UniSA has engaged with AAERI extensively in recent times and currently sits on the AAERI Education Provider Committee to provide an institutional perspective

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