a1atrail.com - Sign petition: A1A Multi–Use Trail Vilano to Mickler · GoPetition.com

Description: We, the undersigned, support the concept of Multi–Use Trail on the west side of A1A…

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At the August 6, 2019 meeting of the Saint johns County Board of County Commissioners, Florida DOT announced they will fund a feasibility study for the A1A Multi-Use Trail. At the meeting, Commissioners Dean, Blocker, and Johns expressed their support for moving forward with the multi-use trail.

A1A from Vilano to Mickler is an increasingly congested, high–speed corridor which has seen a steady increase in vehicle traffic over the past several years. It is the only road connecting over a dozen communities located along this roadway, and is home to more than 5000 residents, seven county parks, Guana River State Park, and numerous businesses. Despite bicycle lanes, the corridor is not conducive to the safe use by pedestrians, recreational cyclists and children, and other non–motorized users.