a14m.me - A14M

Description: A14M · Platform Engineer · DevOps

cd (4226) python (3834) go (1924) devops (1700) docker (700) ci (613) bash (194) tdd (119) ansible (102) bdd (64)

Example domain paragraphs

Platform engineer with 10+ years of experience in software development (backend/API focused), 5+ years in infrastructure automation and DevOps, hobbyist security analyst and tester. An avid fan of automation, sustainability, design patterns, and clean code. Always interested in deriving a better problem-solving method for challenging tasks, and learning sensible new technologies and tools (when the need arises).

Working as part of the Engineering Enablement team, that provides infrastructure, internal tooling, docs, CloudFoundry platform, and Kubernetes clusters, to help the development teams with their daily tasks.

[1] A working version of the infographics portal was acquired by Scrolly Telling GmbH and still worked on by them as seen at Five-Times .