911dvdproject.com - Order Page

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Welcome to the 911 Truth DVD Project web site. This site exists to advance and promote the truth about what happened on 9/11/01 in order to force our government to investigate the matter fully and openly using the subpoena and discovery powers of the judiciary to bring the true guilty parties to justice.

We have found through experience that videos are a great way to spark interest in the truth about what really happened on 9/11/01. Therefore, the particular mission of the 911dvdproject is to help spread understanding of events on that day through the distribution of DVDs that educate the viewer about the many still unanswered questions and little known facts that remain concerning 9/11.

When possible we are now filling orders with "multi-pak" DVDs that contain not only the title that you have ordered but other related documentaries in order to use up all of the available room on the disc. We can get up to over 8 hours of good quality video on a disc at no increase in cost to us or to you. You get all that you order and much much more at no increase in expense. (We strongly suggest that you get the original higher quality disc from the original producer in order to support the patriotic eff

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