9-5sc2012.com - Saab 9-5NG SportCombi and 9-4X – Welcome to the definitive source of information about the Saab 9-5NG SportCombi and the Saab 9-

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A record number of “next generation” Saabs gathered at the former Saab test track in Trollhättan for a unique photoshoot….

“Number 8”, a beautiful TiD4 Vector, recently changed owners and moved from The Netherlands to Belgium. The new owner, an avid Saab fan from Hoeilaart, decided to give the car a personal touch and to have it repainted to Sky Blue, making it the first and -so far- the only Saab 9-5NG Sportcombi in this colour in existance.

For many Saab 9-5NG and 9-4X owners visiting the Saabfestival 2022, Friday 10 June was a highly anticipated day… the day of a very special photoshoot with 105 9-5NG Sedans, 6 9-5NG SportCombis and 16 9-4Xes on the Saab test track!

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