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Example domain paragraphs

What is the meaning of Tibetan bells? Tibetan people can always see bells hanging under the eaves of some temples and traditional ancient buildings in my country. The wind blows and the bells sound sweet and crisp. The bells in the corners of temple halls are now called "wind chimes", also known as bird-scare bells and flower-protecting bells. As the name suggests, when the wind blows, the wind chimes jingle to scare birds and protect the flowers and plants in the corridor. Why are wind chimes hung under th

The wind chimes in the temple are important Buddhist artifacts, with statues and incantations engraved on them. The clear and solemn sound of the wind chimes under the eaves of the temple building seems to wake people up from time to time, remembering to meditate and cultivate their nature. For example, Zen Buddhism has always emphasized the use of various methods such as viewing, hearing, smelling, and feeling to appreciate the inner inspiration of nature in a subtle way, so as to understand the Tao of Zen

Chinese Zen Buddhism has the "Wind Flag Controversy", and ancient Indian Buddhism has the "Wind Chime Dialogue". Legend has it that once, the seventeenth ancestor of the Western Heaven, Gayananti, and the eighteenth ancestor, Gayasheduo, both respected by the Zen sect, heard the sound of wind chimes in front of the temple: "The bells are ringing, the wind is ringing?" asked Gayasheduo. "It is neither wind nor bell, my heart is ringing and my ears are ringing," Gayananti replied. "Wind Flag Controversy" disc

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