7up-7-down-trick.net - 7Up 7 Down| 7Up 7 Down Trickt-7Up 7 Down| 7Up 7 Down Trickt

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The famous talking cat shows his romantic sideTom Loves Angela is a spin-off of the popular Talking Tom Cat series of games. This time Tom has a female feline in tow, and it's your job to help him woo her.Just like previous Talking···

There are a series of actions you can perform too such as singing, giving a gift to Angela, or throwing a pot plant at Tom. You can tap either of the cats in different places to get different responses. As before, you can record actions and···

The main difference between Tom Loves Angela and previous games of this ilk, is that you can actually have a conversation with Angela. She will talk to you then you can respond either by talking (the speech recognition is surprisingly accur···

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