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An ordinary college student notices that he can control other people's thoughts. All his testing attempts lead to a positive result. He really likes this skill, which he will definitely use to make his dreams come true. You will see a lot of locations, sexy characters and an exciting storyline. Your choice in the game matters.

This is the story how main character went from a successful but lonely businessman to one drowning in more pussy than anyone. One of your employee's family will be involved in your company as you fucked his wife on the job interview. Just keep going through the story and enjoy it with lots of sex.

You are a great employee, but due to the unstable economic situation, you are fired. You're upset, but trying to find a new job. After a bunch of resumes were sent, you got a call from Paradise Inc and were invited to an interview. You agree to a job where it turned out that the director of the company is a demon girl. Get to know all the characters, study their needs and desires to fulfill them. Remember that for every failure you will receive a diabolical punishment from your demon boss.

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