666shirts.com - The Atheist Messiah's Shirts

Description: The Atheist Messiah's Shirts

atheist messiah's shirts (1)

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Today’s message:

Hey people, if you want to have a positive effect on the environment, then convince your local government to stop giving tax breaks for the “advancement of religion” and to replace it with giving tax breaks for the “advancement of the sciences”.

Below is a list of websites administered by Darwin Bedford for the purpose of advancing towards a post-theistic paradigm. AtheistMessiah.com Atheists.net CampaignToKillJesus.org 666shirts.com DenormalizeReligion.com undoJesus.org undoGod.com if-Jesus-returns-kill-Him-again.com undoMuhammad.org undoAllah.org undoIslam.org MindFraud.com

Links to 666shirts.com (29)