5x5ecourse.carrd.co - The 5x5 E-Course Challenge (Sample)

Description: The 5-Day, 5-Lesson E-Course Build Challenge

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The 5-Day, 5-Lesson E-Course Build Challenge Starts Tuesday April 14th with 5 total live Zoom training calls, one each day for 5 days Each call will be held on Zoom and will start at 11am PST Each call will be 90 minutes long and will be recorded to re-watch or watch later if you can attend a particular call This training is FREE! Once your course is created you will have access to an app platform that you can deliver your course through and then we'll teach you how to sell the course using different app ma

The AMPx Event is delivered by varies experts on topics that are key to you making money with a mobile app and helping you overall in marketing your business more effectively. Every topic below, presented by an expert in some way (training talks, break-out sessions, panel discussions and more), will have some impact on the success of using apps as way to share your message and make money. Take a look at some of topics taught at each AMPx Event.

Learn how to create simple funnels that produce results, build your list, and get people inspired to take next steps with you in your business.

Links to 5x5ecourse.carrd.co (3)