4mypaws.eu - HOME - 4mypaws

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We’ve all been in this situation, right? Package you ordered days ago finally arrives, you start unboxing it but before you know it your cat is inside the box. Although you love her more than anything, it certainly wasn’t part of the order. Cats simply love cardboard. Particulalry the quality one , that is long-lasting , durable , ecological and harmless to health . We use this exact cardboard for our scratchers and houses.

We use only Czech-made FSC certified cardboard for our handmade products crafted in the Czech Republic. As a manufacturer we can guarantee top-quality products made with love for your four-legged furriends.

We are catlovers and we want only the best and top-quality for our furriends. Everything you find on our site is designed and tested by us and our cats. Every single product is handmade and with love.

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