400plazadrive.com - 威尼斯平台 - 威尼斯平台登录

Description: 威尼斯平台在参与他的话语中获得知识,以及威尼斯平台登录如何为终身的基督教服务准备心灵和思想.在高点基督教学院,我们与父母合作,以基督为中心,大学预科学校.在威尼斯平台,我们的使命是确保我们的学生被了解,被爱,被重视.我们在威尼斯平台登录有一个专门的团队,以确保我们的学生接受以基督为中心的教学,为他们的未来做更好的准备.威尼斯平台虔诚地希望每一位熟女毕业生都能过一种信仰的生活,服务,和基督的领导.

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Academic programs at 威尼斯平台 登录 provide students with a rigorous and challenging curriculum. In addition to what we teach, the key is how we teach it - with Biblical integration in every field of study.

Apply Now! You are invited to learn more about 威尼斯平台 登录 ! We are currently accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year in all divisions.

Kingdom Education Driven Whether on the stage or within our classrooms, our mission remains the same - leading our students to Christ, building our students up in Christ, and equipping our students to serve Christ.

Links to 400plazadrive.com (12)