3rockmarketing.com - 3 rock marketing

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Based in Napa Valley, California we are a marketing company that specializes in Digital Marketing and Social Media. Our goal is to offer you, the client, the benefit of our expertise and enhance your digital marketing efforts to make you look great.

3 rock marketing was founded by Andrew Healy who draws on his globally diverse experience and has used this to carve out a reputation for practical Social Media. Andrew has worked in 5 countries and traveled in dozens more and sees Digital Marketing from the perspective of the business owner as he has filled those shoes for many years.

With client experience in the Healthcare, Hospitality, Wine, Wine Tourism, Craft Beer, Travel, Food, Non-Profit, and Events industries we use what we’ve learned in these diverse industries to benefit all of our clients. We operate on the “Social Circle” theory where everything you do in the Social Media sphere should be driving traffic to your website, the core of your online presence. As a result of this, we now work with clients to improve their website presence so that users have an optimal, sticky, expe

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