2408.co.uk - 2408 marketing / marketing and design consultant / Suffolk

Description: 2408 Marketing and Design for charities, SMEs and start-ups. Branding, websites, design for print and online, copywriting, photography, event management, video production. With my 25+ years experience and my band of associates let's chat creative marketing and design.

design (75672) marketing (36786) branding (15897) creative (14331) copywriting (2059) event management (1540) sme (705) creative design (474) design for print (77) design for online (1)

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New  website coming soon ABOUT 2408 With over 25 years in design and marketing, I decided to go it alone in 2016. Working predominantly in agencies over the years, I have performed most roles from project management and copywriting through to studio management and creative strategy.

I am interested in working with charities, not-for-profits, start-ups and SMEs that I can help to grow; I have worked for many bluechips over the years but now feel that I'd like to 'do good' - to market businesses whose aims and principals I identify with. I believe that branding and marketing are powerful tools and, having those tools at my disposal, I'd like to use them to help companies to sell more, become more visible, gain greater recognition and to arm them with everything that they need to reach th

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