2020club.co.uk - 2020 Club | B2B Speed Networking in London & the UK

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20/20 Club hosts various B2B speed networking events in a calendar year, each uniquely headlined with a different event theme which consequently brings together like-minded individuals from both sides of the buyer-supplier fence.

All buyers and suppliers are targeted and qualified to ensure they fit in with the specific 20/20 event and its theme (eg: 20/20 ‘Christmas Parties’). Many multi-faceted suppliers choose to invest in securing table stands at a selection of 20/20 Club events because of the comparative cost and many different buyers that they’ll meet.

Each decision-making delegate (buyer) will be driven from their office to the host venue for the 20/20 speed networking event and receive a fantastic goodie-bag. After a brief presentation from our guest speaker, delegates will be taken to the meeting room where they will move around the table stands occupied by the 20 suppliers on the sound of the bell. Each meeting is of 10 minutes duration.

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