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Testosterone Cypionate is the longest known form of testosterone to date. For sports purposes, men’s hormones have been used for a long time not only by men, but also by women. Thanks to the use of testosterone, there is a significant increase in the basic physiological parameters, which invariably affects the improvement of the results obtained during training.

Testosterone cypionate is the most popular and distributed in America, where the main production of the drug is concentrated. This steroid is produced by Balkan companies. The prolonged action of testosterone cypionate is due to the fact that the steroid is “seated” on the air, which allows it to remain in the fat depot for fifteen days.

The active substance is split off and enters the blood gradually. This “behavior” of the steroid minimizes the number of injections, which is quite convenient. If we consider enanthate and cypionate, these forms of testosterone may well replace each other, and are only released in the form of injections.