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Software translation is a topic that I don't see being discussed too much.  It's something I've wanted to write a blog post about for a while now.  At most, all I see is the " wrap your user facing strings in a translation macro ", and call it a day.  There's a lot more to be concerned about in my opinion.

Despite being in the industry for only a few years, I've gotten to work quite a bit with making software speak more than one language.  I've led translation projects in the past.  Taking some products from a single language (English) to many;  whilst leaving breathing room for more.  When it comes to this topic, there is both a technical and non-technical side.  In order to be good little developers, I think it is very important to cover the softer parts as well.

This blog post (probably my second longest thus far,) is divided in about three major sections. Feel free to skip a section if it doesn't interest you.

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