15xmalariaimpact.org - Home - Malaria Impact

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The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative is one of the best investments the United States can make in global health and development.

"PMI15X” is a year-long initiative led by malaria community partners that highlights PMI’s 15 years of transformative impact and deep partnership in the global fight to end malaria. Together with its partners, PMI has helped save 7.6 million lives — most of them pregnant women and young children — and prevent 1.5 billion malaria cases, contributing to substantial gains in education, productivity, and economic development. In addition, PMI has worked with partner countries to build capacity and health system

In order to defeat COVID-19, we have to keep up the fight against malaria! Help us remind your Members of Congress why programs like PMI and the Global Fund are critical to stopping COVID-19 and ending malaria for good.