128collective.org - 128 Collective

Description: Working on social justice, climate change, and technology.

Example domain paragraphs

At 128 Collective, we are driven by the moral imperatives posed by climate change and inequity . We seek not only to prevent their harms, but also to create a society that redirects capital to build healthier ecosystems and flourishing human communities .

We approach this task with humility but also with urgency. The mathematics of climate change make clear that this decade is our last hope to minimize suffering and avoid irreversible tipping points. While this timeline can be terrifying, we are inspired by our young leaders to view it as an opportunity to hasten our move towards justice. *

* To solve everything, solve climate : A conversation with Varshini Prakash, leader of the Sunrise Movement. By Anand Giridharadas

Links to 128collective.org (8)