123jewelrywholesalers.com - Health & Weight Loss CEC's – Fitness, Clubbell & Kettlebells

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Being a sports and massage therapist, I worked with athletes from all kinds of sporting disciplines. It was always interesting to learn different anatomy when working on yogis , but some of my clients were ordinary people who wanted the “Hollywood superhero” body. Working through gym rats’ chronically tight muscles taught me about how hard it is for them to recover sometimes!

I had the pleasure of working with athletes and performers from most sporting, exercise, and movement disciplines. During my years spent as a sports therapist I worked with yogis who loved anatomy exploration but did have regular bodybuilders that were forever chasing the Hollywood superhero look for their muscles. Every once in while these gym rats would get chronically tight.

The muscles of experienced kettlebell enthusiasts become like steel when activated, but unlike power lifters and bodybuilders they are capable of switching off this state at will. They don’t have chronically tight short muscles.