123designs.biz - 123DESIGNS: Innovative Product Development for GROWTH

Description: Innovative product development studio dedicated to helping entrepreneurs grow. Open innovation, engineering, circuit design, and prototyping of inventions for over 20 years … It's not about products. It's about your product business.

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We focus on new product development and production of consumer products & electronics. We seek to partner with entrepreneurs poised for growth. Our clients are typically small to medium sized business seeking project based support, or startup businesses needing turn-key engineering solutions.

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Good design has the power to convince a consumer of their need for the product. Better design will speak to your emotions. The BEST design can sit next to the competition on a store shelf and demand twice the price, without any difference in functionality. Investing in YOU 123DESIGNS maintains a pool of cash to fund clients moving into manufacturing. We can help you raise investments from other sources as well. Yes manufacturing is expensive, and yes you can raise enough money to do it yourself instead of l