0xpad.io - TorHunter - Darknet Markets

Description: Multichain launchpad and Decentralized Incubator Protocol.

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Subscribe Thank you! Why 0xPad How it works Roadmap Token info Partners App IDO Application Why 0xPad How it works Roadmap Token info Partners IDO Application App Multichain launchpad and Decentralized Incubator Protocol. Decentralizing seed funding and giving everyone early access to innovative projects. Join Sales   Subscribe Why 0xPad Decentralized 0xPad operates as a decentralized launchpad and incubator protocol, as such, angel investing/seed funding is distributed/decentralized as it should be. This g

0xPad gives everyone the chance to invest in great ideas and projects at a very early stage. Users can participate in the early stage of seed funding and also in private/public sales.

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