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I have just read the “ Lakehouse: A New Generation of Open Platforms that Unify Data Warehousing and Advanced Analytics ” paper and decided to write a short blog post going through some of the key moments of the paper’s motivation. Let’s start.

Snowflake or SnowflakeDB is a cloud SaaS database for analytical workloads and batch data ingestion, typically used for building a data warehouse in the cloud. However, it appears to be so cool and shiny that people are getting mad at praising it all around the internet. Seeing that, I could not resist the urge to take a closer look at this technology and poke into some of its pain points. What have also stumbled me at first is the lack of SnowflakeDB criticism in the blogs and message boards, which sounds

I’d start with a bold statement: Hadoop is rapidly losing the momentum. We can see it from the following Google Trends chart :

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