0l1nk.com - Link and URL shortener - 0L1nk

Description: 0l1nk is a tool designed to shorten urls. In a quick and simple way, here you can shorten them, making them easy to remember. It is also possible to put a nickname for your link (EX: https://0l1nk.com/minha-url). Also, you can know the number of accesses to it.

url shortener (1068) link shortener (342) shorten urls (125) shorten links (39) 0l1nk (1)

Example domain paragraphs

😃👏 Link shortened successfully! Generate another URL!

Apenas letras, números e '-'

You know that giant URL that pollutes your chats and feeds, but you are wanting to share with someone? 0l1nk is a tool made for power solve this kind of problem. In a quick and simple way, here you can shorten them, making them easy to remember. It is also possible to put a nickname for your link (EX: https://0l1nk.com/minha-url). Also, you can know the number of accesses to it.