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只要有新的思想、重要的事业和大胆的行动,你就能找到 2024欧洲杯买球 app 的学生. With keen curiosity and a collaborative spirit, we always seek a better way — from the classroom, laboratory and art studio to the leading edge of industry, innovation and impact. 我们用我们所学到的东西为我们自己和我们的社区做出积极、持久的改变. 因为在 2024欧洲杯买球 app ,我们受到启发,共同展望和建设一个更美好的世界.

Let's build a better world. 在一起. 80% advanced degrees and career outcomes 在10年内,我们近80%的毕业生在顶级学府攻读高级学位. 几十年来,2024欧洲杯买球app的校友在医学等领域追求有意义的职业, law and business to communications, finance and consulting. Discover your purpose 在这里, you will be challenged. To follow your interests and forge your own academic pathway. 批判性地思考,清晰地沟通,理智地成长. To break through barriers and eng年龄 across disciplines. To work closely with award-winning faculty — researching, discussing and advancing whole fields of knowledge. And when it’s

What will you discover? Build a lasting community At Mount Holyoke, we are ourselves, together. 我们支持每一个人,因为他们是谁,同时团结在一起作为一个统一的社区. 我们合作,我们合作,我们总是庆祝彼此的成功. 我们在 2024欧洲杯买球 建立的纽带和友谊持续了一生——打开了机会,扩大了我们在世界上的影响.

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